Database Basics ....(To use our test database see the bottom of this page)

To create a good dynamic web site you need to have a brief understanding of how a database works. A database is made up of Tables and Fields. Fields contain the information and Tables contain a group of fields. This is so you can store information in a manageable method. Like our example below shows, the Table is called Customers and in that table are 7 fields (ID, Name, Address1, Addrress2, Post/ZIP code, Email and created) The data (our clients information) is stored within the fields. It is also recommended you have a PRIMARY field within each Table, this is a field that can be used to match information in other Tables together, in the Customer Table we have made the ID a AutoNumber so the database will fill this in itself and just count up one from the last record, so the next customer to be added will be ID 4. 

Our other Table in our database is called Orders. 

Again our PRIMARY key is ID and we also have a field called Customer_ID, this will match the ID from the Customers Table.

As you can now see from the 2 tables, Information in Customers can be matched to the information in Orders. 

With easyGen matching information across tables is automatic, whenever you build a page using different fields the easyGen wizard will ask you how the data is matched.

The Wizard then Asks how you want to join the tables

The best way to understand the above is to have build a test of your own and try out the different actions and reports within easyGens wizards, that way you will discover very quickly just how powerful and easy to use easyGen is.

To Learn about how easyGen builds and manages your database please read Building A Database

TRY IT YOURSELF You can also try this yourself using our test database in either PHP and MySQL or ASP and Access, To use our test database Click Here and find out how to set it up.